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I took to watching low-res wrestling videos on YouTube. I would pause the video periodically, and the grappling bodies would blur in pixels and color, indistinguishable masses. I would un-pause and the forms would reestablish themselves and separate.
I liked to imagine that all this was really happening--for a split second their boundaries collapsed and blended-- so quickly that only the machine could perceive it.
Mass 1
//Oil on canvas //48" x 72" //2011
Mass 2
//Oil on canvas //48" x 72" //2011
Mass 3
//Oil on canvas //48" x 72" //2012
Mass 4
//Oil on canvas //48" x 72" //2012
Mass 5
//Oil on canvas //60" x 60" //2013
Mass 5
//Oil on canvas //60" x 60" //2013
Big Mass
//Oil on canvas //72" x 120" //2013
//Installation pictured: A Mass (artist book) and Big Mass
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